John Connole

Data-Driven Marketer & Digital Designer

Data-Driven Marketing

Results Driven By Data

Every good marketer uses their intuition and experience to make good decisions. Great marketers user data.

By monitoring user behaviour and measuring outcomes we can make decisions backed by evidence to optimise your communications. With an improved understanding of your audience we can personalise their experience with your brand, and ultimately optimise your marketing strategies to deliver the best possible return on investment.

Google Ads & PPC

Spend money to make money

I've seen plenty of good dollars be spent on bad customers. My focus in Google Ads and Social Advertising is always to make sure your advertising dollars spent targetting customers that pay back the money you've invested several fold.

I'm also strongly focused on the integrity of your conversion data so you can scale up (or down) with confidence, understanding how it impacts your business's bottom line.

Email Marketing

Your best customers are the ones you already have.

Just like old friends, you need to stay in-touch with your customers to remain connected. Email marketing is an inexpensive way to keep your business at the top of mind with your customers.

Regardless of which email platform you use, my focus is on delivering relevant, well-timed, and customised content to your customers to elevate their perception of your brand, and the probability they'll choose you instead of your competition.

Search Engine Optimisation

Increase your digital foot-traffic

I've always been enthusiastic about SEO, and for many businesses ( although not all ) it's a channel that has the potental to deliver excellent ROI.

I find that if you focus on the fundamentals of creating a great user experience and excellent well-optimized content, you're off to a good start. Of course, the devil is in the details, so technical SEO including site-speed as well as link acquisition can play their role in an effective strategy.

Attribution Modeling

Is your marketing actually working?

I think about measurement and data integrity - a lot.

What business often find is that each marketing channel claims every conversion as their own. This is just noise... effective marketing starts with understanding what marketing activity is contributing towards success.

I focus heavily on measuring the exposure of marketing campaigns to customers, monitoring their actions, and understanding what converting customers have done. This enables more effective decision making for future campaigns and projects.

Digital Design

Design for our Digital Times

Where it all started for me after finishing my Master of Creative Idustries ( Interactive & Visual Design ) in 2009. Being an excellent Web Designer was the goal. Design on digital platforms is more than form and function—it's about interaction, responsiveness, and requires a thorough understanding of the audience you're designing for, be it social media, email marketing, or websites.

I leverage various souces of data to make design decisions that will work on driving revenue - not just look pretty.

Front-End Development

Putting it all together

It all has to come together! Your digital marketing strategy and search engine optimisation rely heavily on its technical implementation.

I've been hand coding websites since 2009, primarily with WordPress and WooCommerce. Despite my development skills taking a back seat to my digital marketing focus in recent years, my development skills help me understand what can be achieved and how and allow for smooth communication between Marketing and IT departments or developers.

You Wan't to Work Together?

Let's do this